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Stories from the Dark Earth: Meet the Ancestors Revisited

类型:欧美综艺 地区:英国 年份:2013 

《Stories from the Dark Earth: Meet the Ancestors Revisited》播放介绍


主演:Julian Richards 

片名:《Stories from the Dark Earth: Meet the Ancestors Revisited》原名:StoriesfromtheDarkEarthMeettheAncestorsRevisited,又名:暂无;上映年份:2013年;语言地区:英语英国地区;状态:已完结;豆瓣平均分:0.0

正在播放:秋霞电影网Stories from the Dark Earth: Meet the Ancestors Revisited第02集| 播放器:超快云 | 播放清晰度:超清 | 播放速度:流畅 | 版本为:全集未删减完整版 | 综艺《Stories from the Dark Earth: Meet the Ancestors Revisited》剧情:讲述了  Archaeologist Julian Richards returns to some of his most important digs to discover how science, conservation and new finds have changed our understanding of entire eras of ancient history.  Pagans of Roman Britain  1/4 Julian Richards goes back to the excavation of two burials from Roman Britain.  Families of the Stone Age  2/4 Archaeologist Julian Richards returns to the excavation of two burials from the Stone Age.  Sacred Women of the Iron Age  3/4 Julian Richards returns to the excavation of two very different Iron Age women.  The First Anglo-Saxons  4/4 Julian Richards returns to the excavation of two early Anglo-Saxon cemeteries.


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