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类型:爱情片 爱情 剧情 地区:其它 年份:2016 




导演:Alli Haapasalo 

主演:劳拉·布林 劳瑞·提卡宁 凯雅·帕卡里南 

片名:《爱与愤怒》原名:aiyufennu,又名:Love and Fury/爱和愤怒;上映年份:2016年;语言地区:其它其它地区;状态:HD中字版;豆瓣平均分:0.0

正在播放:秋霞电影网爱与愤怒正片| 播放器:快播云 | 播放清晰度:超清 | 播放速度:流畅 | 版本为:全集未删减完整版 | 爱情片《爱与愤怒》剧情:讲述了  In 1980's Helsinki, a city about to burst with young energy and rebellion, two young writers determined to conquer the world fall madly in love. For Inka, the love affair puts everything in motion: she finds her own voice, publishes her first novel - and becomes a sensation. The intensity of their relationship has a different affect on Juhana, who starts to lose his grip on writing and, finally, life. At the height of the love affair Inka starts to suspect that their mad love might actually be real madness.


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